A 55 year old male patient came to the opd on 7 days ago with chief complaints of slurring of speech since 9 days(11-03-2023) and deviation of mouth towards the left side since 9 days(11-03-2023).
Patient is apparently asymptomatic 9 days back then he developed slurring of speech and deviation of mouth towards left side and deviation of tongue towards the right side that was noticed by his wife.
He also had history of headache since then.
He also had blurring of vision for about an hour.
He was taken to the local doctors where he was given with some treatment and when symptoms did not subside then he was to our hospital.
He is able to do all his daily activities normally (like getting up from bed, brushing, bathing, combing, wearing clothes, eating, sitting and getting up, wearing footwear , walking).
There is no history of loss of consciousness.
There is no history of trauma.
There is no history of weakness of upper and lower limbs.
There is no history of projectile vomiting.
There is no history of seizures.
There is no change in his behaviour or sensorium.
His daily routine includes:-
My patient wakes up by 5am and does prayer with his wife , then he completes his daily activities, and consumes breakfast mostly rice by 8am and leaves to work with his wife by 9am, then has his lunch by 1pm. After completing his work he reaches home by 6pm gets freshened up has his tea , evening he does prayer with his wife and has dinner mostly rice by 8pm and goes to bed by 9-10pm.
There are no similar complaints in the past.
History of decreased hearing since 20 years.
History of TB 15 years back , and took medication for 6 months.
He is a known case of hypertension since 1 year , and is under medication but uses them irregularly.
He is not a known case of diabetes, epilepsy, chest pain and cardiovascular diseases.
Patient is on medication of atenolol and amlodipine.
Diet :- mixed
Appetite :- normal
Sleep :- decreased
Bowel and bladder movements :- regular
Addictions :- 20 years back he stopped consuming toddy.
now doesn’t have any addictions.
There is history of tb in his family affecting his father , brother and his wife and both of their children.
His father is a known case of diabetes, hypertension and died of covid.
His both sisters are also known cases of hypertension.
His brother had history of stroke 3 years back.
Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative, well oriented to time place and person.
He is moderately built and moderately nourished.
There are no signs of pallor , icterus , cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy and pedal edema.
Temperature is afebrile.
Pulse is 66 beats per minute.
Blood pressure is 130/90 mm of hg.
Respiratory rate is 16 cycles per minute.
He is conscious coherent and cooperative.
He is able to recognise his family members.
While speaking there is slurring of speech , and repeating the words is seen.
Cranial nerves examination
1. Olfactory nerve- he is able to perceive smell.
2. Optic nerve- direct and indirect light reflex is present.
3. Occulomotor, 4. Trochlear , 5. Abducens - eye movements are normal , there is no Diplopia , nystagmus or ptosis.
5. Trigeminal - corneal reflex is present; masseter, temporalis and pterygoid muscles are normal.
7. Facial - face is symmetrical, wrinkling is present, nasolabial folds are seen on both the sides.
8. Vestibulococclear- there is decreased hearing more on the left side , tuning fork test is negative more on the left side.
9. Glossy pharyngeal- palatal movements are seen.
10. Vagus- palatal movements are seen.
11. Accessory - trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle contraction is seen.
12. Hypoglossal - mild deviation of tongue towards right side.
Motor system examination.
BULK Right Left
Appearance normal normal
Upper limb
-arm 28cm 30cm
-forearm 26cm 26cm
Lower limb
-thigh 49cm 49cm
- leg 32cm 31cm
TONE Right Left
Upper limb Normal Normal
Lower limb Normal Normal
POWER Right Left
Upper limb
- shoulder 5/5 5/5
-elbow 5/5 5/5
-hand 5/5 5/5
Lower limb
-hip 5/5 5/5
-knee 5/5 5/5
-ankle 5/5 5/5
-biceps ++ ++
-triceps ++ ++
-knee ++ ++
-ankle ++ ++
Superficial reflexes.
Corneal and abdominal reflexes are normal.
Sensory system examination
Crude and fine touch- present
Tactile localisation -present
Coordination test
Finger nose test- able to perform.
Heel shin test - able to perform.
Gait is normal.
Meningeal signs.
Neck stiffness, Kernigs, brudzinsky signs are not elicited.
Inspection:- shape is normal and symmetrical.
no visible pulsations, dilated veins and scars.
Palpation:- apical impulse is felts at the 5th intercostal space medial to the mid clavicular line.
Percussion:-left and right heart borders are normal.
Auscultation:- s1 and s2 heard, no murmurs heard .
Inspection:- trachea appears to be central.
No dilated veins, no scars seen.
Palpation:- trachea is central , chest wall moves symmetrically with respiration, tactile vocal fremitus symmetrical and normal.
Percussion:- resonant, no pain and tenderness.
Auscultation:- bilateral air entry is seen , normal vesicular breath sounds are heard.
Inspection:- no visible scars and sinuses, visible peristalsis. umbellicus is normal.
Palpation :- is soft and non tender, no organomegaly.
Auscultation:- bowel sounds are heard.
Provisional diagnosis
Acute cerebrovascular accident involving left middle cerebral artery region.
Investigations ordered.
Complete blood picture
Complete urine examination
Fever chart
Carotid Doppler
Impression:- infarcts in the left internal capsule.
Final diagnosis
Acute cerebrovascular accident with the infarct in the left internal capsule.
Tab. Clopitab 75mg po/od.
Tab.ecosprin av 75/10 po.
A 55 year old male came to the opd with the chief complaints of shortness of breath since 22 days and swelling in the lower limbs since 12 days
Patient is apparently asymptomatic 22 days back , from then he developed shortness of breath that was insidious in onset and gradually progressive from grade 2 to grade 4.
Patient also noticed swelling in the foot 12 days back that was insidious in onset and gradually progressed up to the knees.
He also noticed facial puffiness 9 days ago that resolved spontaneously.
There is no history of chest pain, palpitations, and sweating.
There is no history of chest tightness.
There is no history of decrease in the urine output.
There is no history of fever and cough.
There is no history of wheeze , hemoptysis, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
Past history
He is not a known case of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, coronary artery diseases , epilepsy, stroke.
Treatment history
He used nsaids for the back pain for the past 3 years.
He is not allergic to any drugs or food.
Diet :- mixed
Appetite :- good
Bowel and bladder habits :- regular
Sleep :- decreased and disturbed.
Addictions :- Gutka- for the past 15 years.
alcohol - daily 90ml for the past 10 years.
not significant.
Patient is examined after taking the consent.
Patient is conscious , coherent and cooperative and moderately built and moderately nourished.
Clubbing is seen, bilateral and pandigital.
Pedal edema till knees , bilateral , pitting type.
There are no signs of pallor , icterus , cyanosis and generalised lymphadenopathy.
JVP is raised.
Temperature- afebrile
Blood pressure- 130/79 mm of hg.
Pulse- 68bpm.
Respiratory rate- 22cpm.
shape is normal.
Apical impulse is seen.
No pulsations are seen.
Precordial bulge is absent.
Pectus cavinatum and excavatum are not seen.
Apical impulse is felt in the left 6th intercostal space , 2cm lateral to the midclavicular line.it is diffuse and sustained.
No pulsations felt.
No thrills felt.
No dilated veins felt.
Right heart border is normal.
Left heart border- dullness is noted from left 2nd intercostal space to Parasternal line to apex.
Mitral area- s1, s2 heard, no murmurs heard.
Tricuspid area - s1, s2 heard, no murmurs heard.
Pulmonary area - s1, s2 heard, no murmurs heard.
Aortic area -s1, s2 heard, no murmurs heard.
Inspection :-
Trachea appears to be central.
All areas move symmetrically with respiration.
No retractions.
No winging of scapula.
No scars, sinuses and dilated veins.
Trachea is central
No tenderness or local rise of temperature.
Tactile vocal fremitus.
Right Left
Supraclavicular Present Present
Infraclavicular Present Present
Mammary Present Present
Inframammary Diminished Present
Axillary Present Present
Infra axillary Diminished Present
Suprascapular Present Present
Infrascapular Diminished Diminished
Interscapular Present Present
Supraclavicular Resonant Resonant
Infraclavicular. Resonant Resonant
Mammary Resonant Resonant
Inframammary Dullness Resonant
Axillary Resonant Resonant
Infra Axillary Dullness Resonant
Suprascapular Resonant Resonant
Infrascapular Dullness Resonant
Interscapular Resonant Resonant
Supraclavicular Nvbs Nvbs
Infraclavicular Nvbs Nvbs
Mammary Nvbs Nvbs
Inframammary Diminished Nvbs
Axillary Nvbs Nvbs
Infra axillary Diminished Nvbs
Suprascapular Nvbs Nvbs
Infrascapular Diminished Diminished
Interscapular Nvbs Nvbs
No added sounds.
Higher mental funtions are intact.
Functions of cranial nerves are normal.
Sensory and motor system are normal.
No signs of meningeal irritation.
Soft and non-tender.
No organomegaly.
Bowel sounds are heard.
Provisional diagnosis
Heart failure with bilateral pleural effusion.
Obliteration of the right side costophrenic angle.
Cardiothoracic ratio is more than half.
Ultrasound findings.
Bilateral mild pleural effusion.
Dilated IVC and hepatic veins show congestive changes.
Bilateral grade 2 renal parenchymal changes.
Colour doppler echo.
Left ventricle- global hypokinetic, moderate to severe dysfunction.
Right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle are dilated.
Diastolic dysfunction.
IVC dilated, non collapsing.
Ejection fraction-38%.
Final diagnosis.
Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction with bilateral pleural effusion.
INJ. Lasix 40mg, iv bd.
Tab.ecospirin po.
Tab. Met so 12.5mg po.
INJ.thiamine 200mg direct bd.